How we work

Our approach combines deep listening to both the vision of our clients, our team and to the story of place. 

From here we make sense of the opportunities and challenges to distill an approach and a map of strategies for iterating conceptual, site plans, systems, technologies and strategy reports. We commonly work on teams with architects, landscape architects, planners and engineers from initial concept development and team building all the way through to construction stage quality control and post-construction operations and maintenance optimization.  

Small to large, urban to rural, farms to forests, residential to commercial, public to private, local to international our associates offer consulting, design and creative services to a wide array of clients. 

Schedule a zoom consultation or site visit, see if we are a good fit.

What we do


We specialize in wildland Interface management, regenerative disturbance, potentiating the best heartfelt intelligence to triage and be in service to the most pressingly endangered species and the humans closest them. Emphasis on reversing extirpation through regenerative economic development, corridor planning , invasivory process and menu planning, mapping land for existing/potential/historic habitat for wildlife and establishing corridor connectivity in critical gaps. 

soil food web

Soil compaction and soil carbon oxidation from human (mis)management is nearly ubiquitous. Revegetating an ecosystem depends upon the living breathing web of food interactions in the soil. Trying to plant into inert mineral “dirt”, with some important exceptions, is almost always a futile effort. Decompacting the soil either mechanically or biologically, inoculating it with the appropriate bacteria, fungi etc and then protecting them from further degradation forms the basis of our methodology.

wetlands & Earthworks

The creation of impermeable surfaces with our structures and roads is ubiquitous. The silver lining is that the runoff can vastly increase the “run-on” into the landscape allowing for a wide spectrum of different earthworks that optimize the slowing, sinking and spreading of this precious liquid into our soils. Keyline management, LID, bioswales, bioretention, rain-gardens, vernal pools, ponds and bioremediation wetlands are just a sampling of the array of possibilities. Wildlife that depend on natural wetlands suffer some of the highest rates of extinction due to extensive planetary wetland loss and the erosion, sedimentaion, droughts and flooding that threaten humanity’s water supply are also caused by the loss of the soil carbon sponge that wetlands so famously build. We love assessing soil, topography and biomass for maximizing the slowness of water in our landscapes. We are no strangers to managing large teams and equipment to make this magic happen.


Stormwater, wastewater, nutrient cycling, carbon, cash flow, baseline biodiversity + regenerative metrics.


Camera-trapping, bio-surveys, long-term ecological monitoring, conservation coaching, citizen science training


Fuel load reduction, building carbon soil sponges with biochar, soil moisture retention as the missing link in reducing catastrophic wildfires, social char-b-q bonfire fire ecology workshops

Regenerative Farming

& Permaculture

Most of the planet is under some form of management for production. Regenerative farming is a methodology we use for optimizing ecosystem function without sacrificing commercial value. Permaculture is a kindred system of design but for the scale of a homestead or eco-village.